12 August 2020
12 August 2020 Gianluca Casagrande

04.21 UTC – In the past two days NANUQ2020 continued a series of environmental observations in the nort-western area of Iceland. Skipper’s dispatches provided information about the status of the expedition. The latest message was received yesterday, in the late afternoon: “After trying to moor close to Drangajokull, the big glacier calotte located some 30 miles East of Isafjordur, in the wild and inaccessible NW part of Iceland, we are now anchored in Hesteyrarfjordur. A moderate wind with gusts up to 40kts and rain showers made [initially] impossible any attempt to safe mooring and activities on shore. Conditions have now setteled and 2 groups are on land right now to continue field work that will be very complementary to observations on the Blosseville coast, especially the flora transects at ground level. Only drone flights are not possible due to strong and gusty winds and authorisation required in the protected area of Hornstrandir, which also is a bird sanctuary. But conditions should now be stable for the next hours, useful for a 5h hike to the closest lake where we will be diving and taking Methane gas samples. (…) It is quite enjoyable to be able to roam about without having to watch out for encounters with polar bears and carry the associated equipment…”. The boat position is within an area that has no cellphone/data coverage, communications are therefore shared by Iridium satellite channel. Last localization update was yesterday at 19.55 UTC (21.55 CET), reporting the boat moored at 66°20’N, 22°48’W, 29 km from HnÍfsdal.