The company is specialized in geolocalization, satellite tracking and related technologies. It is providing NANUQ2020 with GNSS / IRIDIUM positioning and mapping services.

Aqualti (– A scientific association dedicated to conducting direct research and to promoting and spreading public awareness about environmental problems and pollution-related issues. Its activities include monitoring of pollution levels in water and air, with particular reference to remote locations and areas, where measurement of pollutants and of effects of human activities allows to better understand certain dynamics of anthropic impact on the environment. The institutional participation to NANUQ2020 consists in direct participation to survey and sampling of pollutants in planned target areas.

FlyToDiscover (– Drone manufacturer, operator and technical assistance firm. Founded in 2013, it is specialized in the custom-design and optimization of unmanned aerial vehicles for several scientific and technical applications. The institutional participation to NANUQ2020 calls for FlyToDiscover to provide technical equipment and operational advise in UAV applications.

The foundation is dedicated to the advancement of science and science education. The objective of Fondation H. Dudley Wright is to develop greater understanding of science in the region of Geneva, Switzerland and internationally, focused on encouraging: interdisciplinary exchange across fields of basic science; young people to explore science–and consider it as a career; the general public’s greater appreciation for science. The Foundation acts on its own behalf or in collaboration with other organizations pursuing similar goals of public interest. The Foundation is supporting NANUQ2020’s science communication.

LCME is a division (laboratory) of University of Savoie Mont-Blanc. Since the 01/01/2020, LCME has been integrated in a new division called EDYTEM (Environnement dynamiques et territoires de la Montagne). The laboratory participates in the NANUQ2020 project with data analysis related to pollution in remote areas.
See also:

GREAL – Geographic Research and Application Laboratory – European University of Rome ( Established in 2009, it is a research and advanced education centre on applied geography. Its main current activities are focused on the evaluation of low-cost geographic technologies. GREAL is one of the 27 scientific geographical laboratories in the LabGeoNet network. The institutional participation to NANUQ2020 calls for GREAL to analyse and process data from the expedition geographical observations.

IFFSTAR is University Gustave Eiffel
This institution is involved in microplastic research, in cooperation with the University of Savoie Mont Blanc and the Aqualti team. The partnership developed a specific research programme, called PLASTILAC (, monitoring microplastic pollution in Alpine lakes in 2019. The cooperation continues in the same line of research in the framework of NANUQ2020.

Polarquest2018 is a cultural association of scientists, communicators, technology experts, adventurers, environmental researchers in the field of polar sciences and related cultural dissemination. PolarQuest designs and conducts projects in virtually all fields of polar science and communication, directly and/or in cooperation with a wide network of institutional, public and private partners. In 2018 the association conducted record-breaking scientific activities during a circumnavigation of Svalbard  onboard S/Y NANUQ (

Italian Geographical Society (SGI-IGS) (, established in 1867, the longest tradition geographical association in Italy. Its institutional mission is to foster and spread geographical culture as well as to promote the protection of the environment and the awareness about the most current issues regarding it. The institutional participation to NANUQ2020 calls for SGI-IGS to analyse and process data from the expedition geographical observations.

The company, based in Geneva, is a provider in energy resources, telecommunication services and waste treatment. Among its institutional goals is the development of innovative environment-friendly technologies in its own operational fields. SIG is supporting NANUQ2020’s project.

Département F.-A. Forel des sciences de l’environment et de l’eau – Université de Genève. The department is participating to the NANUQ2020 expedition by providing a protocol, instrumentation and data analysis for environmental studies on global change to be derived from measurements taken during the expedition.

The University of Savoie Mont-Blanc is the institute that develops analysis of microplastics sampled by the expedition and leads the scientific aspects of the project in this area for NANUQ2020.